

managerial decision, psychology, personality, manager, subordinate


Abstract. The article presents a study of management decisions from the point of view of psychological aspects of personality. It has been studied that the process of making a managerial decision has an individual coloring, as it obeys the style of management activity of the LPR. The main qualities that influence the effectiveness of managerial decision-making are identified.


Relevance. The psychological aspects of managerial decision-making are based on the fact that the decision-making process has been difficult to study for some time due to the inaccessibility of conducting experiments on hidden motives, personal characteristics of the decision-maker, character and other psychological personal aspects that can influence decision-making. Managerial decision-making is connected with the psychology of the personality of the manager, because any managerial decision affects not only the relationship with subordinates, but also builds the image, the authority of the LPR (decision-maker) in the team after its adoption. The personality of the thicket of everything makes decisions intuitively without visible factors that can affect them. The purpose of the study is to study how a manager uses his distinctive personality and character features when making a managerial decision in a team. Research objectives: to compare the main personal characteristics in the workplace of the manager and subordinates, to evaluate the activities of the manager by subordinates, to identify the main personal qualities necessary for making managerial decisions. The following methods were used in the study: the survey method, interviewing. The processing was carried out using EXCEL computer programs using mathematical statistics to summarize and group the results of the study. The practical significance of the study for application and analysis both in the workplace and in educational and scientific activities was revealed. The decision-making process is still insufficiently studied from a psychological standpoint in modern science.



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How to Cite

Подкалюк Екатерина Андреевна. (2023). ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРИНЯТИЯ УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКОГО РЕШЕНИЯ. Actual Problems of Pedagogy and Psychology. Scientific Peer-Reviewed Electronic Journal (online Edition) 16+, 4(7), 43–49. Retrieved from http://www.pedpsy.ru/index.php/ped/article/view/289